Here is one of our many satisfied customers, in their own words.

“The SQL Training and SQL Server 2014 scripts told me exactly what I needed to know and helped me get the job done. Did not spend days reading about it, followed along and just did it! Awesome training.”
// Zack – New York



Why is your SQL Server 2014 training more effective than reading a book?

When you watch our SQL training videos, you will learn by example. Not only that, this MS SQL training was put together by a Senior SQL DBAs and Developers with decades of practical knowledge. As such you will learn the vital concepts instantly instead of reading from a SQL Server 2014 book.


Does a SQL Server DBA really make 100,000?

Definitely Yes!! According to the following sites, the average salary for a Senior SQL Server DBA is as follows:,-AL.html



What kind of products do you have for SQL Server Tutorials?

We offer three different products on SQL Server tutorials. Here they are:

  • Basic SQL Server Training on a DVD format
  • Basic SQL Server Training available via Download
  • Unlimited SQL Server Training Package. This is our complete set of training material on SQL Server 2014, also available via Download

More information on these products can be found on this page, SQL Server Training:


What exactly do you get for Unlimited Training package, is it truly under $80.00?

The Unlimited Training package is $79.99 per year. When you buy this package, you will have access to:

  • Basic SQL 2014 tutorial videos
  • Basic SQL 2008 tutorial videos
  • Advanced SQL Server 2014 tutorial videos
  • Transact SQL (TSQL) Scripts
  • Other important documents and PowerPoint presentations

More information on the Unlimited SQL 2014 Training package.



Do you have any free sample videos of your SQL tutorial material?

We definitely have a few sample videos that you can download. Here are a few of them:
(For these video samples, do a Right click – Save As …)



What is the difference between the Training DVD and Download version?

The DVD version has all the SQL tutorial files on a DVD. Using the Download version, you can download the same SQL training files from our FTP server.



I have some issues with the product, how do I get help?

You can send us an email at We will respond within 24 hours (Monday through Friday, 8 – 5 pm CST).



If I buy the DVD, can I still have access to the Download version?

Yes you may be able to get access to the download version by sending an email



What is included in the Unlimited Training material?

With Unlimited Training, you will have 1 year access to our member section where we will be adding new training material over time. Get more info here:



What if I have problems playing the video training on Windows Media Player?

If you are continuing to have problems playing the video training files, we would suggest one of the following solutions:

-Get the latest version of Windows Media Player at this location:

-Download Winamp for free from here:

-Get Free TechSmith Screen Capture Code (TSCC) from here: